lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Raúl antonio Gorrín: If you want to be productive, then set goals.

Lack of direction, not lack of time is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.”, this a quote from Zig Ziglar.

By Raúl Antonio Gorrín.  If you want to be productive, then set goals.   I love the story Zig Ziglar tells of Howard Hill. Howard Hill was the world’s finest archer. No one was better with a bow and arrow than him. It is said that he never lost a contest that he entered. He could shoot an arrow from 50 feet and hit the bulls-eye dead center. He could pull a second arrow and split the first one in half. This guy was amazing, exceptionally talented. Zig Ziglar then would make a promise to his audience that he would teach them right now, how they could win an archery contest against Howard. Of course – he said- we would have to blindfold Howard and then maybe spin him around a few hundred times. Now…. Zig Ziglar said ….. “How on earth do you expect Howard to hit a target that he can not see?”  Zig Ziglar then closed this story with the following question- “That’s a good question.  Here is a better question. How do you expect to hit a target if your company does not even have one?”  

For goals to be effective they have to be exact. The biggest failure in achieving a goal is that it is not exact.  

For a goal to be effective you first need a start date and a completion date.

The goal must have organized objectives and the ways that you plan on achieving them.  Now this does not mean that your objectives are perfect. You will make mistakes along the way. As long as you know your intended result, you can adapt as you progress. Make the necessary changes as needed. You will also generate lots of new ideas along the way.

Third, a goal to be effective has to be actually acted on. Too often companies sit on great ideas and goals for years and some never get acted on.

Goals need to be broken up. You have your main goal with a completion date. That is your long term goal. The long term goal should also be divided into smaller goals to be able to evaluate  how you are progressing. It would not be wise to set a completion to finish a goal in 18 months, to only find out 18 months later that it will not work.

Many years ago, I saw a movie called Capicorn I. It was about the first space ship to Mars. It took seven years to build and cost  hundreds of billions of dollars, only to find out at the last minute that it would not work.
Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor,
A failed goal is not acceptable, so there has to be accountability.



Raúl Antonio Gorrín:

In a strong economy, it is easy for a businesses to enjoy greater productivity. Disposable income is high, unemployment is low and consumer confidence prompts people to pump their money back into the economy through the purchase of essential and nonessential goods and services. Everyone spends more. People tend to buy more luxury items. They buy more what they want than what they need. United States recovery from the last recession has been very slow. 

In United States, over the year, average hourly earnings rose only 2.1 percent, in line with the same slow growth it’ve seen for the last six years. And wages for production/non supervisory workers rose even more slowly, at 1.8 percent over the year.  The current median household income for the United States is $53,657. Real median household income peaked in 2007 at $57,936 and is now $4,279 (7.39%) lower. 

The average American family makes less money than it did in 2007. That means that after expenses there is less discretionary money for spending. So there will be less money spent and less money to disperser among the companies out there. That means there will be more corporate failures and bankruptcies.

Now, according to experts there are two ways to handle this. One is short site and is a prevention mode management. You cut down on cost and expenses, you stop R & D cost and invest nothing more into the company. Sounds like a good idea during an economic slowdown. However it has proven to seldom work. 

In December 2008 Sony cut cost by 2.6 billion dollars. It was part of their prevention focused approach to a slower economy. It closed plants, eliminated 16,000 jobs and delayed any investment in its electronic division. It got its payroll cost down by 11% and its R & D  cost by 12% and it cut its capital investments by 23%. Now for the good news, its profit margin went up from 8% to 11%. But if you look carefully, growth in sales went down from 11% per year to 1%. It has been struggling to regain its market. Even by adding in R & D it can not rebuild its momentum. 

The recession is not the time to drop out of the competition. It actually means that it takes more to stay competitive. If you are looking for the long term benefit of the company, you need to do more to keep your customers and keep the momentum going during those hard times.  
Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor,
However, people must also remember that there is less money to go around. So it is best not to be too aggressive with the investments during this time period.

Hewlett-Packard during the recession made large capital investments despite not bringing in the money to cover it and hard a hard time to recover afterwards. This has been debated as to whether it was a long term wise decision.

There is no simple answer, but it is best for each company to find the right mix between some cost cutting and some investments during the slow times. One has to look forward to the long term health of the company and stay competitive but it also has to financially survive those hard days.



viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Raúl Antonio Gorrín: “Work smarter not harder.”

Raúl Antonio Gorrín: “Work smarter not harder.”  I remember those words over forty years ago from my mentor. They still hold true today as much as hey did back then. We all want to feel productive. Often, in order to feel productive, we just start doing--something, anything, everything. Did you know that buisness owners spend 40% of their day  on time-wasting tasks that don't build the company. All this is well said and true. Today, I would like to tak about how to be more productive without changing anything in your office. We will focus on the effects of sleep on your employees.

Sleep loss is estimated to cost the U.S. $63 million in lost productivity. According to a report from the Huffinton Post, sleep deprived workers were so consistently tired on the job that they cost their employers the equivalent of 7.8 days of work in lost productivity each year — an amount equal to an average of about $2,280 in salary per person.

Sleep deprivation is linked with:
Reduced productivity
Difficulty focusing
Lower job satisfaction
Impairments in innovative thinking

One of the suggestions was not to start the workday before 9am. Also to allow where possible, a flexible schedule.

A proper nights sleep has been found to have the following effect:
Makes you healthier and is good for your heart and you burn more calories.
Makes you smarter and your brain is more likely to remember things and to think clearer. Making those tough decisions will be easier to make.
It brightens your mood. Your mood will affect how well you work as a team player in the office and how well you come across to your business prospects. You do not want employees coming in cranky.
You will have more energy and will take less time to perform tasks. Sleep deprivation can make you lethargic.

Productivity deals with people. If your staff is not up to their full potential because they are not getting their proper amount of sleep, then you will not get a good productivity from them.

Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying….
 “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”
 James Thurber was of different opinion and said…..
“Early to rise and early to bed makes a male healthy and wealthy and dead.”
 Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor,
Franklin’s saying is more famous but most manager consultants who work on productivity of companies are more likely to agree with Thurber.
Get enough sleep every night. An exhausted mind is rarely productive. There is an old saying about letting boys sleep… “Let him sleep, when he awakes he will move mountains.” There is a lot of truth to that statement. Productivity is more about keeping a sharp mind, smart happy employees, motivated employees, ability to plan and ability to keep focused. The list goes on and on. It all relies on your employees and your ability to be at the top of your game in mind and in body. That just could never be without being healthy and having had enough sleep. Raúl Antonio Gorrín.



jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Raúl Antonio Gorrín: What is the definition of productivity?

Action is the fundamental key to all success", this is a quote from Pablo Picasso.

What is the definition of productivity?
According to the dictionary it has the following meanings:

              The state or quality of producing something, especially crops.
                  An example would be....."The long-term productivity of land"

              The effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.
                           An example would be......."workers have boosted productivity by 30 percent"

As you can see the definition given by the dictionary is the actual production of a product or idea that can make money against the cost to produce that product or idea. There is a cartoon of a lecturer with a sign that asks the following question....

"How to increase your productivity? .....Answer - Spend more time at your work place and less time at   productivity seminars." 

Leon Uris a famous author in his book QB VII told a story of an author given a lecture to would be writers on how to be a successful writer.

“Who here wants to be a writer?'  I asked.  

Everyone in the room raised his hand.

'Why the hell aren't you home writing?' I said, and left the stage.”

The dictionary's definition of productivity is true. To be productive  you actually need to work, it is as simple as that. Of course business and productivity is never that clear cut and simple. Productivity is not just about putting out a product for the cheapest way possible.  It has to involve long term goals. One of those goals is proper planning and goal setting.  With proper planning you can be more efficient. True it takes time to properly plan and that is according to the definition of the dictionary, nonproductive time. But in reality, if you look at the whole picture, with proper planning you can save both time and money and it will give you a more productive result. Again, I would like to quote Leon Uris. “Too many writers start with a good idea and carry it through the first chapters, then fall apart because they had no idea where the top of the mountain was in the first place.” Whether is is an idea such as in writing a book or manufacturing a product, things flow smoothly when proper thought and planning had been done from the start. There wiill be less of a chance for a company recall of a product for example. All in all, the planning time may not appear on paper to be productive but the end result will show that indeed it will be very productive.
Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor,
Again, business  and life is never that clear cut. Once you have set your target, you should start right away. Even if your plans are not perfect. You could always adjust your plans along the way.  There is no such thing as perfect plans. Mistakes will happen and when they do you will make those changes as will be necessary. It is vital and necessary to properly plan. However, you should not use planning as an excuse to not start. A properly productive person knows the right balance between allowing time to properly plan and getting to work even of your plans are not prefect. They never will be perfect. At some point, more planning becomes  inefficient and nonproductive.



martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Raúl Gorrín: Cloud based programs can boost the productivity of almost any business

Cloud based programs can boost the productivity of almost any business. If your were to combine the cloud with social technologies that could completely modernize the way you interact with your co-workers. Video conferencing allow workers to take part in key businessdiscussions from any location. With cloud based programs you can have access to all reports and work on projects. You are no longer limited to working in the office. 

Cloud computing provides the ability to essentially outsource operational IT work to an external company. A good service provider will take care of everything from updates and security to routine maintenance. This saves your company time and money, which can then be spent on other key areas. There is no computer that contains your programs, no servers to go down. Essentially there will be little to no down time in your business flow. 

The overarching goal of any business is to make a profit, and cutting operational costs wherever possible can greatly impact that goal. The greatest benefit of moving to the cloud is unsurprisingly a financial one. With a mobile phone, an I- Pad or any computer with Internet service you will be in business. No longer will there be the expensive upfront and maintenance cost of servers and networking cables. For a monthly fee you are connected to the program. 

With the cloud based program it is true that you give up some control to an outside company but it has been found that those companies are better at protecting your data and it will be more secure. 

As a business owner, it is important to ensure that you are always leveraging the most effective, yet economical solutions possible. Cloud computing is one of those things that most people have heard of, but few truly understand. If you thought that this was simply a passing trend, it is time to think again.


Follow me..

Raúl Antonio Gorrín: "Focus on being productive instead of busy."

"Focus on being productive instead of busy."  This is a quote by Tim Ferris. There is a difference between the amount of cost and energy you put into a project and the results you achieve. An auto repair shop that invested heavily in the latest technology and equipment can have a particular repair job done on a car that used to take two weeks to repair, they can have the car repaired in four hours. Because the car can now be repaired in four hours instead of two weeks your customer will not have to rent a car for two weeks. They will have a repair done on their car in a quicker time but the quality of the job would also be much better.  Now if the car repair shop was the ask the customer "how much would you pay not to have to rent a car? How much more would you pay to get your car back today instead of in two weeks? How much extra would you pay for a much better quality job?" Ask yourself, would you be willing to pay for for a car repair job that was quicker and did a better job? "Productivity is not just about doing more,  It is about creating more with less work." 

"Productivity is never an accident, it is always the result of a commitment to excellence , intelligent planning and focused effort." A quote by Paul Meyer. There is an old business saying that " one should work smarter but not harder." Improving productivity is about creating a product in less time with a better quality and less effort and lower cost.  

This would amount to being the best in your field. Meaning that you would have to invest in education and research and development. It means that you would have to invest in technology and equipment that would make you more efficient, meaning you would produce a better product in less time and as a result be more productive. Your cost would be higher for education and equipment but it would be offset by lower payroll cost to manufacture your product, since it would take less time to make your product. Since your time to create your product takes one day instead of fourteen, you can produce fourteen times the amount  of products in the same time period. That will make each product more efficient to make and cheaper.  You can also charge more for a better product that only takes one day to manufacture.  You charge more for the quick turnaround time, the better quality and for having the best technology in town. 

Henry David Thoreau said, "it's not enough to be busy. Ants are busy. The question is - What are we busy about?"
Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor,


Raúl Antonio Gorrín: Multitasking is never productive.

There are so many demands on our time. It is very easy to lose control. When a customer request a product or a service handling their request on time is very important if you want to have a satisfied customer. Time management if planned properly can improve a companies and our personal productivity.

When at a meeting with a client, it is essential not to be interrupted. We must do everything to make out customer feel that they are important to us. We do not want to lose a customer. Answering phone calls during a meeting with a customer will make him feel that you are not giving his company the attention that he feels it needs. In addition the call could be a future order or a potential new customer. The call should not be answered during a meeting. By trying to handle both at the same time, you may find that you may not succeed at either task. The best solution would be to schedule a designated time each day for phone calls. This would allow the proper time and attention that they would require. I would suggest that calls are made early in the morning. This will allow time to handle any request that very day. If it a potential new customer, you can write in time that day to meet with this perspective customer, as you never want to delay a new client meeting. 

All staff meetings should be first thing in the morning. By the afternoon your staff may be at meetings with clients, handling orders or busy working on a perspective proposal for a new order. Scheduling the staff meeting first thing in the morning assures that everyone can be there. It also allows a flow of good ideas, as every one's mind is clear and not cluttered with concerns that happen during the course of the business day. 

Allow time during the day for emergencies. This can be accomplished by leaving little blocks of time during the day to handle the unexpected. often the unexpected is what makes our day profitable.  Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor,
Multitasking is never productive. By trying to do several tasks at one time, you will find that even if you are successful at completing all the task, that none of them will get the proper attention and thought that they require. None will be done to the best of your ability and that will not serve either you or your customer well. In the short run, it may give you more bang for your bucks, but in the long run, it will not be productive. Poor quality, not proper thought out work will not be productive in the long run. You will lose business and customers. If you want to improve your productivity allow more time in your schedule. It will allow a better quality product, will give your customers more of your personal attention. It will also allow your mind to think more clearly as you will not be so pressured with a schedule that can only be described as chaotic and hectic.


lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Raúl Antonio Gorrín: Productivity is not just about numbers but it more about goals

Productivity is a way to measure how well your company is doing. Productivity is not just about numbers but it more about goals. If you have long term goals then you may give up some profit now to help yourself and your company grown in the future. this may involve additional investment. It may mean downsizing if you predict that the company is more efficient and would show more profit when it smaller or maybe it is the other way around.  Your company may be selling some products that are not profitable, while at the same time not promoting products that are highly profitable. 

Many of these measurements are easy to miss and may not be so apparent. One of the tools that companies can use to catch many of these areas of high or low production is with computer programs. There are inventory programs that show which products sell. What the cost of the products are and how profitable they are. You can set levels when to buy more of a product. With programs like this, you will never run out of the product and at the same time, you will not have an outflow of cash on too large an inventory. You will not have angry customers because of back orders or delay in shipping  a product because you ran out. it will let you know which products are not selling so that your company does not waste its time and money on those goods. 

There are accounting programs that you can use to set goals and that will flag you when goals are either met or not met. There are programs for figuring out projected goals and income and then latter match that against what actually happened. These computer projection programs would give you a good gauge and help you decide whether to try a project or not. it would also allow you to have the proper paperwork if you need to do a presentation to investors. 

Computer programs can keep a company from making mistakes that can harm production. It can help a company realize what is working and should get more capital invested in.  Computer programs are a reliable cheap way to monitor productivity in a company.
