martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Raúl Antonio Gorrín: "Focus on being productive instead of busy."

"Focus on being productive instead of busy."  This is a quote by Tim Ferris. There is a difference between the amount of cost and energy you put into a project and the results you achieve. An auto repair shop that invested heavily in the latest technology and equipment can have a particular repair job done on a car that used to take two weeks to repair, they can have the car repaired in four hours. Because the car can now be repaired in four hours instead of two weeks your customer will not have to rent a car for two weeks. They will have a repair done on their car in a quicker time but the quality of the job would also be much better.  Now if the car repair shop was the ask the customer "how much would you pay not to have to rent a car? How much more would you pay to get your car back today instead of in two weeks? How much extra would you pay for a much better quality job?" Ask yourself, would you be willing to pay for for a car repair job that was quicker and did a better job? "Productivity is not just about doing more,  It is about creating more with less work." 

"Productivity is never an accident, it is always the result of a commitment to excellence , intelligent planning and focused effort." A quote by Paul Meyer. There is an old business saying that " one should work smarter but not harder." Improving productivity is about creating a product in less time with a better quality and less effort and lower cost.  

This would amount to being the best in your field. Meaning that you would have to invest in education and research and development. It means that you would have to invest in technology and equipment that would make you more efficient, meaning you would produce a better product in less time and as a result be more productive. Your cost would be higher for education and equipment but it would be offset by lower payroll cost to manufacture your product, since it would take less time to make your product. Since your time to create your product takes one day instead of fourteen, you can produce fourteen times the amount  of products in the same time period. That will make each product more efficient to make and cheaper.  You can also charge more for a better product that only takes one day to manufacture.  You charge more for the quick turnaround time, the better quality and for having the best technology in town. 

Henry David Thoreau said, "it's not enough to be busy. Ants are busy. The question is - What are we busy about?"
Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor,


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