lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Raúl Gorrín. : Positive attitude and successful business

By Raúl Gorrín. Being successful in life is not easy. If you are a student of history of the industrial era, you will see that all the great ones, had many failures. Thomas Edison, the famous inventor, was known to have said that he had on average ten thousand failed attempts before he would be successful. "I Have Not Failed. I've Just Found 10,000 Ways That Won't Work."   

Henry Ford kept failing in business and went bankrupt five times. He was later to become one of the richest and most successful business people in history. What was the key that lead him to his success.  

The answer to success for Henry Ford was the answer of success for Thomas Edison and for so many others. It was their positive attitude. It was a belief in themselves, that they would succeed, that they had the ability to succeed.

Albert Einstein was also a failure early in his life. He was rejected for a teaching position in his college and was working in a patent office because no one saw much value in him. Einstein knew that for him to be successful, he would have to change his attitude about himself to a more positive one. We cannot solve a problem by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them, a quote by Einstein.

Henry Ford when he wanted to create a car company, people laughed at him and said that he should invent a faster horse. He had so many failures on his way to his success, that the average person would have given up. Thomas Edison was quoted as saying, that after countless failures, success is just one more try away. To hang in there when one has seen repeated failures, when others have mocked your ideas, that takes a real positive attitude that few of us possess. Henry Ford believed that failure was just an opportunity and that failure was nothing to feel disgraced about, what was a disgrace, he said was in fearing to fail.

Having that positive attitude, that tells you not to give up, to believe in yourself, that is the key difference between the great ones and the rest of us.

Michael Jordon during his career missed over 9000 shots, lost almost 300 games, there were  26 times that he missed what could have been the game winning shot. Imagine missing what could have been the game winning shot! Yet, the next game, Michael Jordon would go back to work on his game and be fantastic. His attitude was very positive, it was one that propelled him to achieve his true potential. It was his attitude that did not let him give up when he failed, because his attitude let him know that he was a winner despite a huge recent failure.

Henry Ford expressed this idea best, when he said, “ If you think you can do a thing, or you think that you can not, You are right. “.

Napoleon Hill, a famous motivational speaker and author expressed the idea that often opportunity is disguised as failure.   A positive person would see the opportunity, A negative person would just see it as failure.  By Raúl Gorrín.



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