lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Raúl antonio Gorrín: If you want to be productive, then set goals.

Lack of direction, not lack of time is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.”, this a quote from Zig Ziglar.

By Raúl Antonio Gorrín.  If you want to be productive, then set goals.   I love the story Zig Ziglar tells of Howard Hill. Howard Hill was the world’s finest archer. No one was better with a bow and arrow than him. It is said that he never lost a contest that he entered. He could shoot an arrow from 50 feet and hit the bulls-eye dead center. He could pull a second arrow and split the first one in half. This guy was amazing, exceptionally talented. Zig Ziglar then would make a promise to his audience that he would teach them right now, how they could win an archery contest against Howard. Of course – he said- we would have to blindfold Howard and then maybe spin him around a few hundred times. Now…. Zig Ziglar said ….. “How on earth do you expect Howard to hit a target that he can not see?”  Zig Ziglar then closed this story with the following question- “That’s a good question.  Here is a better question. How do you expect to hit a target if your company does not even have one?”  

For goals to be effective they have to be exact. The biggest failure in achieving a goal is that it is not exact.  

For a goal to be effective you first need a start date and a completion date.

The goal must have organized objectives and the ways that you plan on achieving them.  Now this does not mean that your objectives are perfect. You will make mistakes along the way. As long as you know your intended result, you can adapt as you progress. Make the necessary changes as needed. You will also generate lots of new ideas along the way.

Third, a goal to be effective has to be actually acted on. Too often companies sit on great ideas and goals for years and some never get acted on.

Goals need to be broken up. You have your main goal with a completion date. That is your long term goal. The long term goal should also be divided into smaller goals to be able to evaluate  how you are progressing. It would not be wise to set a completion to finish a goal in 18 months, to only find out 18 months later that it will not work.

Many years ago, I saw a movie called Capicorn I. It was about the first space ship to Mars. It took seven years to build and cost  hundreds of billions of dollars, only to find out at the last minute that it would not work.
Globovisión, Raúl Gorrín, Raúl Antonio Gorrín, Seguros La Vitalicia Raúl Gorrín, Medios de comunicación, Venezuela, Gobierno, Empresarios, Emprendedor,
A failed goal is not acceptable, so there has to be accountability.



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