jueves, 11 de agosto de 2016

Raúl Gorrín: Individual differences and how to deal with stress

(Raul Gorrín) In this installment, while we analyze individual differences in the work we will do so this time addressing the welfare and the role that different personalities when stress is evaluated.

 This condition causes havoc in the workplace, affecting workers and the companies themselves, it threatens the happiness which in turn effects the work environment to productivity.

If companies promote a culture that propendiera to lower the incidence of work-related stress in a structural way, organizations would then no longer be the stressful place in many cases it has  become today.

This would be very useful especially when considering that organizations are made up of human conglomerates differentiated from each other, ie, with very specific and unique individual characteristics. (Raul Gorrín)

Psychology has for years been studying individual differences and what this means in the working dynamics of companies. Organizations generate processes of adaptation to individual differences. This is because in the same way that people are not the same, nor are the relationships and interactions that occur in the environment.

 These individual differences determine how workers handle job stress and how they influence the business dynamics.

For example, some particular characteristics relate to toxic work environments where stress and teasing or bullying affect members of organizations. (Raul Gorrín)

Individual differences influence how each worker interacts with others within organizations and how to handle stress.
Ie stress will have a different approach to each e

Depending on this perspective workers will experience different levels of resilience to cope with adversity, this time represented by stress.
The support is critical in this and can increase or decrease the levels of resilience. (Raul Gorrín)

The mixture arising between individual characteristics and personal experiences of each person will help determine how stress is faced. The condition will be perceived
differently between a worker and another. What affects more than the stressor is the way it evaluates each person and giving it meaning.

 If companies will implement specialized training for handling and excited feelings associated with negative experiences such as stress programs, allow more resilient and therefore more ability to cope with stress situations. (Raul Gorrín)



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